Supplement Review: Myprotein’s BCAA

Review: Tropical Storm BCAA

Taste: Not bad. I’ve had BCAA’s that have tasted better, but then again, they were loaded with sweeteners.  If you pay attention to how much water you put in (less is more in this case), this stuff is actually pretty tasty. 8/10

Mix-ability: As with most BCAA’s I’ve tried, mix-ability is no problem at all. Even when you put the powder in first and add water on top you get no clumps in the corner of the shaker whatsoever. No powdery mouth feel, clumps, or debris. 10/10.

Amino Acid Profile/Ingredients: Let me preface this with the fact that my favorite supplement are BCAA’s, and I pump myself full of them Pre, Intra, and Post Workout. Each serving of this BCAA product has: Leucine: 2g, Iso-Leucine: 1g, and Valine: 1g. My rule of thumb is to take in at least 5g of Leucine, but I’ll get into this in the next section. As for the rest of ingredients, it’s a standard BCAA profile: Artificial Flavoring, Citric Acid, Beta-Carotene, and Sucralose. If you’re worried about artificial sweeteners, don’t take BCAA’s; almost every product has them. The only thing that would push this to a better score would be the use of Citrulline Malate. 8/10

Effectiveness: This is where it gets interesting. If you follow the directions (five grams before or after workout), don’t expect it to work magic. One scoop did not provide a reduction in muscle soreness the next day (how I gauge BCAA effectiveness). However, when I took three scoops, to get my five grams of Leucine (6:3:3), it worked just as well as Scivation’s X-Tend (My favorite BCAA). The next day I was noticeably less sore than I was when I took 1 scoop. 7/10

Overall: Overall this product is one I would buy. Even though I had to take three scoops, there are 100 servings in the bag so it would last me a while. The use of artificial flavoring and Sucralose doesn’t scare me away since most all BCAA’s contain them. Taste is above average, effectiveness is there, and mix-ability is not a problem. 8/10

If you’re interested in purchasing this product: Click here.

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