5 Tips for Strength Coaches

I decided to throw together a quick list of tips that would be useful whether you are an intern, new strength coach, or fitness professional. Some of these are common sense but easily forgotten by most (including myself).

1. On time means early: If your first client or group is at 6 a.m., that means be there, preparing, at 5:40 a.m. When your client or group arrives, they should not see you scurrying around to load barbells as they start foam rolling.

2. Food and coffee on the floor: I live on coffee. Fitness hours are usually early and/or late so this is a tough one. I believe that food and coffee should not be eaten/drank on the floor. Sure, crush a protein bar or shake on the floor, but don’t eat a salad while your group is warming up. Same goes for coffee, especially early in the morning, drink your coffee before and after sessions, not during.

3. Listen to your dentist: Nothing is worse than a coach with bad breath. Your days are spent coaching clients, which means you will be talking a lot. Get some Altoids, gum, mints,or bring your toothbrush, whatever. Just have fresh breath.

4. Take time away from coaching: We work crazy and long hours most of the time. It’s easy to get stressed out in this profession. Don’t talk or think about fitness and coaching 24/7. Don’t lose sight of your hobbies, and if you don’t have one, find one. It will give you an escape from the hectic profession we love.

5. If you haven’t done it, don’t ask someone else to do it: Don’t have someone do an exercise that you have never done. If you want to take it a step further, do your clients workouts or even their conditioning. When you have done what you’re asking someone to do, you will have a deeper understanding of what’s going on and why it may, or may not, work.

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